And as a VLC lover, you may probably store lots of movies in the VLC library Well, want to convert these VLC videos or movies to MP4 format for playback on your smart mobile phone or most other portable devices like PSP etc.. These buttons are used for:Press to configure the type of video or audio codecs, which you need exactly for the video or an audio you’re trying to convert.. First of all, we need to manage our profiles, and choose which one fits us the best.
In the dropbox one can see very many profiles – for iDevices, TVs, Androids, etc.. Step 2 Go to the Convert menu In the menu, which has appeared, click on Add button, and choose the file you need to convert.
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Part 1 How to Convert VLC Files to MP4 with VLCStep 1 Import Video to VLC First of all, we need to open our VLC Media Player, and after it opening, we should click top navigation bar, and click on the “Media” point, which will open a little dropbox.. In this dropbox we should click on the “Open Multiple Files…” tab, (or use a hotkey Ctrl+Shift+O) and wait until the menu will appear on our screen. Scratch Live 2. 4 4 Windows Installer
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